Monday, May 10, 2010

wait for me

the evidence of a well lived weekend. i woke up sometime in the early early morning and i thought about the dirty dishes in the sink. i thought about how the apartment was a mess. and then i remembered. we ran to the bottom of the stairs during the worst of the storm and were so thankful for our home all the while the lightening pulled the thunder close. we woke to sunshine and wrote out a grocery list and listened to the wind. we worried over wardrobe and the timing of our arrival to our next thing. and we waited for friends to arrive. and we hugged and we laughed and we sang and let the night get away from us. we drove through the dark remembering our present past and how wonderful the wine had tasted. we talked about hiking and comfortable socks and we bundled under blankets to keep the weekend in close to us. we went to sleep tired and well fed. we rested and dreamed. and today i will re-order the house. i will wash the dishes. i will do all the things i should never do on a weekend. time is tricky. it's fast and it's so very slow. and i am thankful for this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You did all the right things.......dishes will still be there Monday morning and your sweet hubby will be back to work!! You chose wisely, my dear joy!!!
I love